Sally Magee Consulting is in transition to Magee Leadership Solutions, Inc. Check out our new web site!

Magee Leadership Solutions
Building peak-performance teams ♦ Developing high-impact leaders

Welcome to

Magee Leadership Solutions

Building peak-performance teams ♦ Developing high-impact leaders

What sets us apart?

Small Business, Woman Owned

Sally on-site

At Magee Leadership Solutions, we have a passion for building peak-performance teams, maximizing leadership potential and developing high-impact leaders.

Magee Leadership Solutions is a woman-owned small business that works with large project teams, large and small businesses, and individuals and provides the following services:

  • Project Partnering
  • Team Building & Organizational Alignment
  • Leadership Coaching
  • Management & Leadership Training
  • Strategic Planning
  • Conflict Resolution
  • and more!

Click here for more info!

Magee Leadership Solutions Fits Your Needs

Sally works with teams to enhance team dynamics, resolves interpersonal conflict, and helps leaders reach their true potential.

  • Are you starting a project with new partners and/or new clients that have never worked together before?

  • Are you at a cross-road in your career? Do you feel “stuck” at work and don’t know what to do next?

  • Are you a new manager, managing people for the first time in your career?

  • Are you a woman in the engineering and construction industry and treated differently because you’re a “girl”?

  • Is your business growing so fast you can barely keep up, much less take time out to figure out where you want to be in three to five years?

  • Is your team experiencing interpersonal conflict or dysfunction and you don’t know how to fix it?

Sally can help you and your team solve all of these problems… and more! With more than 20 years in engineering and construction herself, Sally helps individuals develop into high-impact leaders, and companies and projects develop into high-performance teams!

See Results

Teams that focus on their strengths every day have 12.5% greater productivity*

People who focus on using their strengths are SIX TIMES more likely to be engaged in their jobs*

Teams with high employee engagement have 22% higher profitability*

* According to Gallup